19–22 Apr 2023
Schloss Ringberg
Europe/Berlin timezone

NFDI4Cat - The NFDI consortium for digital catalysis

21 Apr 2023, 10:00
Schloss Ringberg

Schloss Ringberg



Walter Leitner (Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion) Philipp Adamitzki (Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion)


Data management in catalysis is currently organised mainly at institutional or working group level and based on local conventions. However, catalysis is complex and interdisciplinary research, so it would be important to create an overarching interface in the area of data management so that FAIR data can be easily exchanged between disciplines. Through this interface and the integration of previous data silos, it should also be possible to accelerate developments and gain new insights with the help of partially AI-based analysis functions. The key challenge for the NFDI4Cat consortium is to bring together the different disciplines of catalysis research in terms of data management.

Primary author

Philipp Adamitzki (Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion)

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