19–22 Apr 2023
Schloss Ringberg
Europe/Berlin timezone

NFDI4Memory (online)

20 Apr 2023, 15:00
Schloss Ringberg

Schloss Ringberg



Steffen Hennicke (MPI for the History of Science)


The 4Memory consortium [1] focuses on the field of history and those disciplines that make use of historical data as part of their methodology.
Historical data includes “texts ranging from antiquity to the modern era, images, photos, audio and video recordings, statistics, structured data, metadata, ontologies, and hypertexts” as well as “personal data, spatial structures, and changes in classification systems and categories over time.”
The main goals of 4Memory are to integrate this broad spectrum of historical data and to sharpen and apply historical source criticism to those data, as a basis for the production and communication of historical knowledge in the digital space.
To achieve these goals, 4Memory works to establish standards and norms for historical research data, to facilitate access to and preservation of these data in an interoperable “Data Space”, and to ensure their quality and reusability by establishing data literacy in historically oriented humanities.
Producers and users of historical data from historical research, memory institutions, and information infrastructures are participating in 4Memory. The consortium is scheduled to begin its work in March 2023.

[1] https://4memory.de/

Primary author

Steffen Hennicke (MPI for the History of Science)

Presentation materials

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