With an ever growing body of scientific knowledge and an explosion of data generated by computer-based experiments, the Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability and Reusability of research data (FAIR principles) become key factors for further scientific progress. In Scientific Computing, beyond the actual simulation data the developed numerical algorithms, their implementations, procedural data, and their metadata descriptions are central research data and software. Establishing the FAIR principles for this data is the aim of the task area 'Scientific Computing' within the German Mathematical Research Data Initiative MaRDI.
With this second MaRDI Workshop on Scientific Computing, we want to bring together researchers from the Scientific Computing community and related disciplines, who are interested in the FAIRness of their research data. Apart from presentations on the current MaRDI projects and selected keynote talks, we will leave generous room for discussions. Further, we invite participants to contribute talks related to the following topics:
Participants are encouraged to present work in progress, open problems or report on personal experiences.
Participation fee is 65 Euros.
The conference dinner is included in the workshop fee and takes place on Thursday night at Weinzeit.
We invite submissions for oral presentations (30min including discussions) or posters. Please provide title and abstract of your talk/poster during registration.
Peter Benner, Jens Saak, Jan Heiland, Pavan Veluvali (MPI Magdeburg)
Hendrik Kleikamp, Stephan Rave, Mario Ohlberger, Frank Wübbeling (U Münster)
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