2–4 Jun 2020
Europe/Berlin timezone

Can we compute the matrix inertia of Kronecker-structured saddlepoint matrices?

Not scheduled


The group retreat will be conducted virtually


Dr Jens Saak (Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems)


Nonlinear model predictive control schemes solving the step-wise local optimization problems via, e.g. ipopt lead to the necessity to solve large KKT systems in each step of the optimizer. The KKT system itself is a saddle point matrix and, due to the outer MPC approach, ideally has Kronecker structure.

Ipopt uses the matrix inertia of the KKT system to accelerate computations. Classic LU-based solvers use the matrix factorization to derive the inertia as a side product. Due to the Kronecker structure, we want to use structured linear algebra solvers tackling Sylvester-type equations rather than the LU of the large Kronecker matrix. For optimal performance of ipopt, this, however, requires a way to compute or estimate the inertia of the Kronecker matrix from the small block data.

Primary author

Dr Jens Saak (Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems)


Jens Bremer (Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems)

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