14–15 Apr 2021
Europe/Berlin timezone

High-performance data-anayltics and AI at MPCDF (12 min talk + 3 min discussion)

14 Apr 2021, 17:15


Talk Session II


Andreas Marek (MPCDF)


Since few years, in addition to classical (simulation-based) HPC usage, we observe a steadily growing need of our users for support of high-performance data-analytics (HPDA) and AI workflows.
In this presentation, we will give an overview of the HPC clusters available at MPCDF for HPDA and AI workflows, the available (HPC-optimized) software stack and we will present recently introduced services such as Jupiter Notebooks as a Service (JNaS) and containers for software deployment. Furthermore, by means of a few use cases, we will demonstrate how the user can run data-analytics or AI algorithms at MPCDF on several HPC cluster nodes.

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