13–17 Sept 2021
Virtual event
Europe/Berlin timezone

Tutorial "Compressed sensing meets symbolic regression: learning interpretable models"

13 Sept 2021, 18:00
Virtual event

Virtual event


Luca M. Ghiringhelli (Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society)


In this tutorial, we introduce the AI technique of symbolic regression, combined with compressed sensing for the identification of compact, interpretable models.
Specifically, we introduce the Sure-Independence Screening and Sparsifying Operator (SISSO), together with its recent variants.
The methodology starts from a set of candidate features, provided by the user, and it builds a tree of possible mathematical expression, involving linear and nonlinear operators, up to a given complexity. A compressed sensing solver finds, among billions or trillions of candidate expressions those that better explain the training data.
We will show demonstrative applications to materials science, including prediction of perovskite-materials stability and topological-insulators identification.

Primary author

Luca M. Ghiringhelli (Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society)


Luigi Sbailò (NOMAD Lab at FHI)

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