27–31 Jul 2020
Virtual event
Europe/Berlin timezone

System Identification by Sparse Bayesian Learning

27 Jul 2020, 19:30
Poster Posters 1


Luning Sun (University of Notre Dame)


System identification from noisy data is challenging in many science and engineering fields. In current work, we present an approach of system identification by sparse Bayesian learning methods. The key idea is to determine the sparse relevant weights from a constructed library by learning from noisy data. The sparse promoting prior is used to regularize the learning process. Furthermore, to identify a parsimonious system, the sequential threshold training is incorporated into sparse Bayesian learning. It is especially helpful when the learned data has large noise. Furthermore, we extend our approach to learn a parametric system by using group sparsity. Several explicit and implicit ODE/PDE systems are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of this method.

Primary authors

Luning Sun (University of Notre Dame) Prof. Jian-Xun Wang (University of Notre Dame)

Presentation materials